Monday, January 24, 2011

Manic Monday

What a Monday it has been, with all the snow days and sickness going around, we haven't had the attendance like we would like it. Since Mondays are usually crazy, I thought I would share some cake and cooking disasters. Some of this I have collected through various blogs and social sites, while others are what people have submitted to me!  Here is round 1 Cake Disasters:

Tinkerbell disaster

Is this vivacious Tinkerbell, or middle aged woman after 12 kids Tinkerbell?

Ugh! What a mess!

At least they are honest, and you can read what it says!!!

Now for some cooking horror stories: The blog I got this from doesn't say who wrote it, but it made me laugh because it goes to show if your to busy to cook, you can count on a horror story!!

So there I was, trying to beat a publishing deadline. I had decided to make potato salad, so I brought a pan of six eggs to a rolling boil, then turned the temp down to Low for a few minutes. I'd work on my manuscript while the eggs hard-boiled.

My mistake was in trusting my brain to split itself between computer and kitchen. I should have set the timer, but nope. Didn't happen.

About forty minutes later, I heard gunfire. My gosh! Somebody's in the house! You have to remember, I was working on a key chapter in a book of historical fiction for middle-graders. Tension was mounting as a boy unraveled his friend's closely-guarded secret. Gunfire in my house only added to the tension.

In a rush of bravado, I raced down the hall to the kitchen, and found that the pot had boiled dry. The buildup of heat had then popped those eggshells, and rocketed four of the eggs across the room like cannon fire.

Remember This: A busy brain is not as efficient as an egg timer.

So I hope you enjoy Manic Monday, and if you have any cooking disaster stories, or pictures email them to me at

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